Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
The Bermuda Airport Authority is the publishing authority for the AIP and electronic AIP (eAIP). The Bermuda AIP contains aeronautical information of a permanent nature and is kept up to date by means of an amendment service.
The current Bermuda eAIP includes AIP Amendment 001-2024. AIP Amendment 001-2024, which incorporates AIP Supplement 001-2024, became effective 13th June 2024.
The current Bermuda AIP document can be accessed and downloaded HERE including access to eAIP and a separate PDF file of the complete AIP including Amendment 001-2024, and separate AIP Amendment 001-2024 and Supplement 001-2023 and Supplement 002-2024 documents. The upcoming Bermuda AIP Amendment 001-2025 will become effective 20th March 2025 and can be accessed and downloaded HERE.
There are currently no Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) for Bermuda (TXKF) in effect.
The Bermuda AIP is copyrighted material and may not be used in any form of publication, public display, advertising, broadcast, legal presentation, or reproduction without the express written consent of the Bermuda Airport Authority, who reserves all rights.
Please note that the Bermuda Airport Authority considers any downloaded and/or printed version of the Bermuda AIP an uncontrolled document. Please contact the Bermuda Airport Authority to report any document errors or omissions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aeronautical information of important operational significance, which is of a temporary nature, or requires advance distribution and is appropriate to the AIP but needs immediate dissemination, is notified by means of Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). For a current list of NOTAMs relating to Bermuda (TXKF), please see separate NOTAM tab on this website.